Monday, August 16, 2010

Penne Caesar Salad with Chicken

2- bags of Caesar Salad (comes with dressing, croutons and cheese)
1- (16oz) box of Penne Pasta
3- Chicken Breast, cooked and chopped 
hand full of cherry tomatoes 

Cook Pasta according to box directions, when in strainer run cold water over pasta to stop the cooking process and to start cooling down the pasta. I grill our chicken, chop it up and put it in the refrigerator to cool down. Make the salad according to the package, add in a hand full of cherry tomatoes.  Once all the ingredients are cold I toss them all together and serve! This simple dinner (or lunch) is prefect for a hot day, it's lite, easy and healthy. I hope you will enjoy this meal as much as our family does. Enjoy! 

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